What we do
PharmacyTechSchools.com is an informational resource for those interested in pursing an education as well as researching career options as a pharmacy technician. Our goal is to gather information and data from trusted and authoritative sources and compile them in an interesting and easy to understand format.
We strive to provide insights into the field of pharmacology, including job descriptions, salary data, job growth, and certification and licensing requirements. In addition, we provide information on campus based and online schools offering pharmacy technician programs, as well as those in related fields.
Our Quality Standards
At PharmacyTechSchools.com, our goal is to provide a reliable and accurate resource for students and professionals alike. Our site is reviewed on an ongoing basis by our panel members to ensure:
Consistent, reliable and up to date information that visitors can use to help them in their career and education decisions.
Information that goes deeper than typical resources, offering a broad spectrum of information, all in one location.
We provide an avenue for input or feedback on our site at admin@pharmacytechschools.com.
Visit our resources page for a full directory of our career, education, & training articles.
We are always seeking ways to improve the quality and usability of our resource. If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, please contact us at admin@pharmacytechschools.com.
Privacy Policy
PharmacyTechSchools.com is committed to respecting your online privacy and protecting any information you may share with us. Please visit our privacy policy to read how we protect, manage, and disclose your information.
Contact Pharmacy Tech Schools
Please send us your questions, feedback, or comments. Would you like to be a contribtor to this resource? Stories & articles from those of you who are currently working in healthcare, or students who are working towards earning their degree are welcomed.
Contact us for details. Please contact the administrative staff of Pharmacy Tech Schools at PharmacyTechSchoolsContact@gmail.com.